And a final update on the programme for the Buddhafield Green Earth Awakening Camp 24—27 May 2013. The weather has been pretty lovely this month and we’re hoping that it’ll bring out the best in our fabulous site, which many of you will remember as being to host of our Festival for some years. Tickets still available on the GEA webpage, where you can see the full programme. Two last additions:
Q&A on Green Wood Building
With Rob Coventry.
Rocket and Wood gas Stoves: Design & Build Principles & Demos
Come and learn about the holy trinity of wood combustion: “time, turbulence and temperature”! We’ll be lighting up rocket and wood gas stoves and discussing the simple but ingenious principles they use to harness more heat from wood (or even generate electricity!). The workshop will also touch on DIY methods and materials.
A ‘stove anorak’, Jonathan Rouse, has spent the past 12 years working on cooking stove projects across Africa, Asia and Central America for charities, the UN and businesses. He also founded Wild Stoves in 2010.
Opening Ceremony
Bring something green to wear!