Engage Now, Change the Future: 16 — 20 July 2014
Think there’s no Buddhafield Festival this year??
Well yes, the usual event isn’t happening… but there is a wonderful small festival/gathering happening at the usual Festival time (Wednesday 16 — Sunday 20 July). Quieter and more spacious, the first GEA last May had a wonderful heart-opening atmosphere and sense of community:
“The GEA was a shining highlight of my year. The connections between people, the openness and learning that occurred there were, for me, a perfect balance of significant engagement and enjoyment and laughter.”
“Extremely educational, cosy and most intimate event on the field I ever took part at. Food for the soul.”
“Lovely being back in that gorgeous field again, so many memories of festivals held there. I didn’t think I would enjoy making a tuffet so much; loved going on a foraging walk as well as just hanging out and playing in the sunshine.”
Can you Help with Publicising the GEA?
If you feel an affinity for Buddhafield, if you have the time, and if know of a noticeboead near you that is lacking a striking image, please consider decorating it with our 2014 GEA poster! There are two versions:
- Download an A4 poster (8MB).
- Download an A5 poster (an A4 document with two copies: simply cut it in two. 14MB).
We’re also looking for Secret Agents to help with flyering. If you’re willing to receive a pack of about 50 A5 flyers and arrange for them to appear in a venue near you, please email Lulu.
GEA programme information and booking on the main website.